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Chiropractic in Basingstoke

The Spine Team is run by two of Basingstoke's most experienced Chiropractors, Gordon Linscott has 33 years of experience and Annette Williams with 20 years of experience

Chiropractic in Basingstoke

Gordon Linscott and Annette Williams started The Spine Team in Basingstoke in 2004.  It is our current mission to provide chiropractic services for back pain and biomechanical conditions for the people of Basingstoke according to the latest research.


Our hours are by appointment during normal office hours with clinics covering early mornings on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, lunchtimes on Mondays and Thursdays and later evenings on Mondays and Thursdays.  We understand that convenience of appointment times and convenience of parking and public transport are important in todays lifestyle, our parking is extensive and free and there is a bus stop immediately outside the car park.  There are disabled parking bays outside the clinic.

History of the practice

Chiropractors Gordon and Annette formed The Spine Team in 2004 with their main practice now in East Barn, Lychpit Centre.

Having graduated as a chiropractors from the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in 1983 and 1996 respectively Gordon and Annette have years of experience in practice and have worked consistently to improve the chiropractic model for treating back pain, a problem that causes so much trouble to so many people in Basingstoke.

In spite of all the latest scanning and research the quest by medicine to understand back pain failed and in 2008 that the “Injury Model” was abandoned by top researchers and they announced that a new model for back pain was needed.

As part of this process to us at The Spine Team chiropractic means working to help our patients understand that they, rather than some arbitrary term, such as slipped disc, lumbago or sciatica are at the centre of the model, we recognise that each patient is unique and although there are many who suffer from the common types of back pain each of them is an individual with a unique life and therefore in need of an approach that recognises they may have a different route to solving their problem than the next person.

The Spine Team

The model for chiropractic treatment of back pain in Basingstoke used at The Spine Team places the patient not the problem at the centre of the model.  This “Patient Centred Model” considers not just what the patient has but who they are and considers the way they lead their life and how they understand and manage their problem is as important as treatment.

Use this link to understand What is Back Pain.

Chiropractic treatment and understanding are sometimes the easy things to do, persuading people to change their life is harder!  Chiropractic is not just treatment, at The Spine Team we try and ensure that advice for lifestyle change is practical, after all giving good advice that cannot be taken cannot really be considered useful!  At the same time patients who just want their long term problem fixed without making any changes themselves may be on the long road to disappointment!

Please call or email if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment.

01256 466666